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A unique number assigned to a person's postal address as recorded on the Australia Post Postal Address File (PAF).


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

Australia Post maintains a Postal Address File (PAF) database which contains Australian postal delivery addresses and their corresponding eight (8) character unique identification number known as a Delivery Point Identifier (DPID). While the PAF is concerned with postal address, for many persons' a postal address will be the same as their residential address. The PAF can be used to improve the recording of address data at the time of data collection.

The Postal Address File may be used at the time of data collection to confirm that the combined metadata items of address line, suburb/town/locality, Australian state/territory identifier and postcode - Australian are accurately recorded.


National Health Data Standards Committee

National Community Services Data Committee

Standards Australia 2002. Australian Standard AS5017-2002 Health Care Client Identification. Sydney: Standards Australia


In October 1999, Australia Post introduced a bar-coding system for bulk mail lodgements. Agencies or establishments can use software to improve the quality of person address data it collects and records and, at the same time, receive financial benefits by reducing its postage expenses.

The DPID is easily converted to a bar code and can be included on correspondence and address labels. If the bar code is displayed on a standard envelope that passes through a mail-franking machine (e.g. as used by most major hospitals), the postage cost is reduced. Every three months, Australia Post provides updates to the PAF database. For more information, contact Australia Post.


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