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A code set describing medical conditions pertinent to the risk stratification and treatment of acute coronary syndrome.


Data Type Number
Format NN
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 11 Angina for more than last two weeks
12 Angina only in the last two weeks
21 Chronic lung disease
31 Heart failure
41 Hypertension
51 Ischaemic: non-haemorrhagic cerebral infarction
52 Haemorrhagic: intracerebral haemorrhage
61 Peripheral artery disease
62 Aortic aneurysm
63 Renal artery stenosis
71 Sleep apnoea
Supplementary Values 99 not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:


CODE 11 Angina for more than last two weeks

This code is used where there are symptoms, which can be described as chest pain or pressure, jaw pain, arm pain, or other equivalent discomfort suggestive of cardiac ischaemia, for more than the last two weeks.

CODE 12 Angina only in the last two weeks

This code is used where there are symptoms, which can be described as chest pain or pressure, jaw pain, arm pain, or other equivalent discomfort suggestive of cardiac ischaemia, only in the last two weeks.

Chronic lung disease:

CODE 21 Chronic lung disease

This code is used where there is a history or symptoms suggestive of chronic lung disease.

Heart failure:

CODE 31 Heart failure

This code is used where a patient has past or current symptoms of heart failure (typically breathlessness or fatigue), either at rest or during exercise and/or signs of pulmonary or peripheral congestion suggestive of cardiac dysfunction.


CODE 41 Hypertension

This code is used where there is current use of pharmacotherapy for hypertension and/or clinical evidence of high blood pressure.


CODE 51 Ischaemic: non-haemorrhagic cerebral infarction

This code is used if there is history of stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) resulting from an ischaemic event where the patient suffered a loss of neurological function with residual symptoms remaining for at least 24 hours.

CODE 52 Haemorrhagic: intracerebral haemorrhage

This code is used if there is history of stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) resulting from a haemorrhagic event where the patient suffered a loss of neurological function with residual symptoms remaining for at least 24 hours.

Peripheral arterial disease:

CODE 61 Peripheral artery disease

This code is used where there is history of either chronic or acute occlusion or narrowing of the arterial lumen in the aorta or extremities.

CODE 62 Aortic aneurysm

This code is used where there is a history of aneurysmal dilatation of the aorta (thoracic and or abdominal).

CODE 63 Renal artery stenosis

This code is used where there is history of functional stenosis of one or both renal arteries.

Sleep Apnoea syndrome:

CODE 71 Sleep apnoea

This code is used where there is evidence of sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS) on history.


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