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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


The scope of this set of data elements is all health occupations. National collections using this data set have been undertaken for the professions of medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy and podiatry, using labour force questionnaires in the annual renewal of registration to practice.

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.

Data Elements
Reference Data Element Data Type Length Inclusion #
Health professional—area of clinical practice (principal), code ANN
Specific Information:

To analyse distribution of clinical service providers by the area of their principal clinical practice. Cross-classified with other data, this metadata item allows analysis of geographic distribution and profiles of population subsets. Required for health labour force modelling.

- - mandatory 1
Health professional—establishment type (employment), industry code NN
Specific Information:

To analyse distribution of service providers by setting (defined by industry of employer and sector), cross-classified with main type of work and/or specialty area.

String 2 mandatory 1
Health professional—hours worked (in all jobs), total NNN
Specific Information:

Value must be less than 127 (except for 999).

Important variable in relation to issues of economic activity, productivity, wage rates, working conditions etc. Used to develop capacity measures relating to total time available. Assists in analysis of human resource requirements and labour force modelling. Used to determine full-time and part-time work status and to compute full-time equivalents (FTE) (see entry for FTE). Often the definition for full-time or FTE differs (35, 37.5 and 40 hours) and knowing total hours and numbers of individuals allows for variances in FTE.

String 3 mandatory 1
Health professional—labour force status, code N{.N}
Specific Information:

This metadata item provides essential data for estimating the size and distribution of the health labour force, monitoring growth, forecasting future supply, and addressing work force planning issues. It was developed by the National Committee for Health and Vital Statistics during the 1980s and endorsed by the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council in 1990 as a national minimum data set item for development of the national health labour force collections.

Number 2 mandatory 1
Health professional—occupation, code ANN
Specific Information:

Distribution of a professional labour force across job classification categories cross-classified with other variables allows analysis of:

  • career progression
  • age and gender distribution
  • imputed salary/wage distribution
String 3 mandatory 1
Health professional—principal role, code N
Specific Information:

This metadata item provides information on the principal professional role of respondents who currently work within the broad context/discipline field of their profession (as determined by the metadata item Professional labour force status). Identification of clinicians provides comparability with other labour force collections that just include clinicians.

Number 1 mandatory 1
Medical practitioner—hours worked (in direct patient care), total NNN
Specific Information:

Value must be less than 127 (except for 999).

Used in relation to issues of economic activity, productivity, wage rates, working conditions etc. Used to develop capacity measures relating to total time available. Assists in analysis of human resource requirements and labour force modelling.

String 3 mandatory 1
Medical practitioner—hours worked, total NNN
Specific Information:

Value must be less than 169 (except for 999).

Used in relation to issues of economic activity, productivity, wage rates, working conditions etc. Used to develop capacity measures relating to total time available. Assists in analysis of human resource requirements and labour force modelling. Used to determine full-time and part-time work status and to compute full-time equivalents (FTE) (see entry for FTE). Often the definition for full-time or FTE differs (35, 37.5 and 40 hours) and knowing total hours and numbers of individuals allows for variances in FTE.

String 3 mandatory 1
Person: Date of Birth, DDMMYYYY Date/Time 8 mandatory 1


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