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A code set representing the status of a case management plan.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

CODE 0 Not applicable

Case management plans may not be appropriate for all clients, for example, where a client receives supported accommodation for a 24-hour period or less.

CODE 1 Plan developed

The case management plan does not necessarily need to be in operation to record yes; it is whether one has been developed and there is an intention to carry it out.

CODE 2 Plan agreed to by client or advocate

The client or their advocate (such as a parent or partner) agrees to the implementation of the plan. The plan does not need to be implemented to record this code. In many cases of statutory intervention, whilst desirable, client agreement is not essential.

CODE 3 Plan implemented

Some part of the plan must be implemented. That is, the plan must be in operation at the time of recording.


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