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A code set representing nursing actions.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Coordination and collaboration of care
2 Supporting informal carers
3 General nursing care
4 Technical nursing treatment or procedure
5 Counselling and emotional support
6 Teaching/education
7 Monitoring and surveillance
8 Formal case management
9 Service needs assessment only


Guide for use:

The following definitions are to assist in coding:

CODE 1 Coordination and collaboration of care

This code occurs when there are multiple care deliverers. The goal of coordination and collaboration is the efficient, appropriate integrated delivery of care to the person. Tasks which may be involved include: liaison, advocacy, planning, referral, information and supportive discussion and/or education. Although similar in nature to formal case management this intervention is not the one formally recognised by specific funding (see Code 8).

CODE 2 Supporting information carers

This code includes activities, which the nurse undertakes to assist the carer in the delivery of the carer's role. This does not include care given directly to the person. Examples of tasks involved in supporting the carer include: counselling, teaching, informing, advocacy, coordinating, and grief or bereavement support.

CODE 3 General nursing care

This code includes a broad range of activities, which the nurse performs to directly assist the person; in many cases, this assistance will focus on activities of daily living. This assistance will help a person whose health status, level of dependency, and/or therapeutic needs are such that nursing skills are required. Examples of tasks include: assistance with washing, grooming and maintaining hygiene, dressing, pressure area care, assistance with toileting, bladder and bowel care, assistance with mobility and therapeutic exercise, attention to physical comfort and maintaining a therapeutic environment.

CODE 4 Technical nursing treatment or procedure

This code refers to technical tasks and procedures for which nurses receive specific training and which require nursing knowledge of expected therapeutic effect, possible side-effects, complications and appropriate actions related to each. Some examples of technical care activities are: medication administration (including injections), dressings and other procedures, venipuncture, monitoring of dialysis, and implementation of pain management technology.

CODE 5 Counselling and emotional support

This code focuses on non-physical care given to the person, which aims to address the affective, psychological and/or social needs. Examples of these include: bereavement, well being, decision-making support and values-clarification.

CODE 6 Teaching/education

This code refers to providing information and/or instruction about a specific body of knowledge and/or procedure, which is relevant to the person's situation. Examples of teaching areas include: disease process, technical procedure, health maintenance, health promotion and techniques for coping with a disability.

CODE 7 Monitoring and surveillance

This code refers to any action by which the nurse evaluates and monitors physical, behavioural, social and emotional responses to disease, injury, and nursing or medical interventions.

CODE 8 Formal case management

This code refers to the specific formal service, which is funded to provide case management for a person. Note that coordination and collaboration of care (Code 1) is not the same as formal case management.

CODE 9 Service needs assessment only

This code is for assessment of the person when this is the only activity carried out and no further nursing care is given; for example, assessment for ongoing care and/or inappropriate referrals. Selection of this option means that no other intervention may be nominated. Thus, if an assessment for the domiciliary care benefit is the reason for a visit, but other interventions such as, counselling and support; coordination/collaboration of care are carried out, then the assessment only is not an appropriate code.


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