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A code set representing Indigenous status.


Data Type Number
Format N{.N}
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Indigenous (not further defined)
1.1 Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin
1.2 Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin
1.3 Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin
2 Neither Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

This metadata item is based on the ABS Standard for Indigenous Status. For detailed advice on its use and application please refer to the ABS Website as indicated in the Origin section.

The classification for 'Indigenous Status' has a hierarchical structure comprising two levels. There are four categories at the detailed level of the classification which are grouped into two categories at the broad level. There is one supplementary category for 'not stated' responses. The classification is as follows:


  • Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander Origin
  • Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal Origin
  • Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin


  • Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander Origin

Not stated/inadequately described:

The not stated/inadequately described category is not to be available as a valid answer to the questions but is intended for use:

  • primarily when importing data from other data collections that do not contain mappable data;
  • where an answer was refused;
  • where the question was not able to be asked prior to completion of assistance because the client was unable to communicate or a person who knows the client was not available.

Only in the last two situations may the tick boxes on the questionnaire be left blank.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. Standards for Social, Labour and Demographic Variables. Viewed 13 October 2005.


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