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A code set representing the main type of treatment provided for alcohol and other drugs.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Withdrawal management (detoxification)
2 Counselling
3 Rehabilitation
4 Pharmacotherapy
5 Support and case management only
6 Information and education only
7 Assessment only
8 Other


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Withdrawal management (detoxification)

This code refers to any form of withdrawal management, including medicated and non-medicated, in any delivery setting.

CODE 2 Counselling

This code refers to any method of individual or group counselling directed towards identified problems with alcohol and/or other drug use or dependency. This code excludes counselling activity that is part of a rehabilitation program as defined in Code 3.

CODE 3 Rehabilitation

This code refers to an intensive treatment program that integrates a range of services and therapeutic activities that may include counselling, behavioural treatment approaches, recreational activities, social and community living skills, group work and relapse prevention. Rehabilitation treatment can provide a high level of support (i.e. up to 24 hours a day) and tends towards a medium to longer-term duration. Rehabilitation activities can occur in residential or non-residential settings. Counselling that is included within an overall rehabilitation program should be coded to Code 3 for Rehabilitation, not to Code 2 as a separate treatment episode for counselling.

CODE 4 Pharmacotherapy

Refers to pharmacotherapies that include those used as maintenance therapies (e.g. naltrexone, buprenorphine, and methadone treatment) and those used as relapse prevention. Use Code 1 (withdrawal management) where a pharmacotherapy is used solely for withdrawal. Note collection exclusions: excludes treatment episodes for clients who are on an opioid pharmacotherapy maintenance program and are not receiving any other form of treatment.

CODE 5 Support and case management only

Refers to when there is no treatment provided to the client other than support and case management (e.g. treatment provided through youth alcohol and drug outreach services). This choice only applies where support and case management treatment is recorded as individual client data and the treatment activity is not included in any other category.

CODE 6 Information and education only

Refers to when there is no treatment provided to the client other than information and education. It is noted that, in general, service contacts would include a component of information and education.

CODE 7 Assessment only

Refers to when there is no treatment provided to the client other than assessment. It is noted that, in general, service contacts would include an assessment component.


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