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This table shows items related to the item Episode of treatment for alcohol and other drugs—cessation reason, code N[N].
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Showing 7 results.
Name Details Statuses
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or drug treatment...
  • Health: Superseded on
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or...
  • Health: Superseded on
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2007-08
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or...
  • Health: Superseded on
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2008-10
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or...
  • Health: Superseded on
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2010-11
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or...
  • Health: Superseded on
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2011-12
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or drug treatment...
  • Health: Superseded on
Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2012-13
Data Set Specification
This metadata set is nationally mandated for collection and reporting. Publicly funded government and non-government agencies providing alcohol and/or drug treatment...
  • Health: Superseded on