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Whether or not a patient is an overdue patient, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

This metadata item is only required for patients in Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N categories with specified maximum desirable waiting times. Overdue patients are those for whom the hospital system has failed to provide timely care and whose wait may have an adverse effect on the outcome of their care. They are identified by a comparison of Elective surgery waiting list episode—waiting time (at removal), total days N[NNN] or Elective surgery waiting list episode —waiting time (at a census date), total days N[NNN] and the maximum desirable time limit for the Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N classification.

A patient is classified as overdue if ready for care and waiting time at admission or waiting time at a census date is longer than 30 days for patients in Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N category 1 or 90 days for patients in Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N category 2.

National Health Data Committee

This metadata item is not used for patients in Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N category 3 as there is no specified timeframe within which it is desirable that they are admitted. The metadata item Elective surgery waiting list episode—extended wait patient indicator, status code N identifies patients in Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N category 3 who have waited longer than one year at admission or at the time of a census.


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