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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


The number of beds which are immediately available for use by an admitted patient or resident within the establishment. A bed is immediately available for use if it is located in a suitable place for care with nursing and auxiliary staff available within a reasonable period.


Data Element


Guide for use:

Inclusions: both occupied and unoccupied beds are included. For residential aged care services, the number of approved beds includes beds approved for respite care.

Exclusions: surgical tables, recovery trolleys, delivery beds, cots for normal neonates, emergency stretchers/beds not normally authorised or funded and beds designated for same-day non-admitted patient care are excluded. Beds in wards which were closed for any reason (except weekend closures for beds/wards staffed and available on weekdays only) are also excluded.

Necessary to provide an indicator of the availability and type of service for an establishment.


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