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An early childhood education program is a structured, play-based learning program, delivered by a qualified teacher aimed at children in the year or two before they commence full-time schooling, irrespective of the type of institution that provides it or whether it is government funded or privately provided. Programs may be delivered in a variety of service settings including separate preschools or kindergartens, long day care centres, in association with a school etc.

The terms most commonly used to describe early childhood education programs which are subject to the NP UAECE in states and territories are:

  • Kindergarten – Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania.
  • Kindergarten or Preschool – Victoria, South Australia.
  • Preschool – New South Wales, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory.

A quality early childhood education program is a program which is delivered in the year before full-time schooling by a qualified early childhood teacher, in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard.



An early childhood education program may or may not be delivered in such a way that meets the Universal Access goal. The requirements for Universal Access are listed below.

The National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education is a commitment to joint Commonwealth, State and Territory action to maintain universal access to quality early childhood education programs.

Universal access means that every child, in the year before they commence full-time school, has access to:

  • quality early childhood education program(s)
  • delivered for at least 600 hours per year
  • in a form that meets the needs of children, parents and community
  • and at a cost that does not present a barrier to participation.


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