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A method of funding health services based on amount and type of activity.


Guide for use:

Activity based funding has three essential elements:

Classification: Allocation of patients treated into groups which allow weightings to be applied. The groups should have resource use homogeneity (patients within a group should cost a similar amount to treat) and be clinically coherent (patients within a group should be clinically similar).

Activity data: Counting the patients treated.

Cost data: Determining the cost of treatment.

Activity based funding in the context of health is a method of funding hospitals and health services whereby health services are funded for the provision of patient care based on the type and mix of patients they treat. A set amount is paid to the health service based on the relative cost of the group to which the patient is classified.


Battista P, Brophy J 2011. Casemix for Beginners. Proceedings of the National Casemix and Activity Based Funding Conference 2011. Viewed 25 September 2012,
This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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