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The number of intercountry adoption applicants who became official clients of a service provider organisation.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Number N[NN] ".
Data Type Number
Format N[NN]
Maximum character length 3


Guide for use:

A count of the applicants who became official clients of the adoptions section of the relevant state/territory department within the reporting period. An applicant can be a married couple, a de facto couple or a single person. The method by which the applicant become an official client will vary for each jurisdiction, and may be when the department first opens a file, when the applicant registers, or when they are invited to attend an information session.

Applicants who are already a client of the department but are applying to adopt a subsequent child, or reapplying to adopt, should be counted as applicants applying for the first time.


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