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This table shows items related to the item Adoption.
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Showing 15 results.
Name Details Statuses
Adoption—access arrangement type, code N
Data Element
The type of arrangement made between relevant parties to an adoption at the time of the adoption order regarding contact...
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—adoption consent, code N
Data Element
The type of consent given for a child adoption, as represented by a code.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—adoption organisation sector, code N
Data Element
The sector in which the organisation responsible for arranging the finalised adoption operates as represented by a code.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—application for information type, code N
Data Element
The type of information about an individual in relation to an adoption sought by an application, as represented by a...
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—application identifier, code N[N]
Data Element
The reason for which an application was lodged by a person in relation to an adoption, as represented by a...
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of adoptions finalised, total N[NN]
Data Element
The total number of adoption orders finalised during the reporting period.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of applications for information lodged, total N[NN]
Data Element
The total number of applications lodged seeking information about an adoption.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of children adopted as part of a sibling group, total N[N]
Data Element
The total number of children adopted at the same time, into the same family as part of a sibling group.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of placements not finalised, total N[NN]
Data Element
The total number of adoption orders resulting in the child not being placed in the adoptive parents home.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of placements, total N[NN]
Data Element
The total number of children placed with their adoptive parents.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of sibling groups, total N[N]
Data Element
The total number of sibling groups adopted.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of vetoes in place, total number N[NN]
Data Element
The total number of vetoes in place at the end of a reporting period that are blocking contact or the...
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—number of vetoes lodged, total N[NN]
Data Element
The total number of vetoes lodged blocking contact or the release of identifying information in relation to an adoption.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—relationship of person who lodged an application, code N[N]
Data Element
The relationship of the person, who lodged an application for information about an adoption or a veto, to the adoptive...
  • Community Services: Standard on
Adoption—veto type, code N
Data Element
The type of veto put in place in relation to an adoption to block contact with an individual or the...
  • Community Services: Standard on