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A code set representing who a person was adopted by.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 4 Other
1 Step-parent
2 Other relative(s)
3 Carer(s)


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Step-parent

A step-parent is the spouse of the adopted child's natural parent or adoptive parent. Foster parents are not included in this category.

CODE 2 Relative(s)

This category includes any relative of the child, other than step-parents. For Indigenous children, 'relative' includes those related through kinship arrangements.

CODE 3 Carer

This category includes foster parents or other non-relatives who have been caring for the child and have had the responsibility for making decisions concerning the daily care and control of the child for the relevant period (as specified by the relevant state/territory department) before the adoption.

CODE 4 Other

'Other' includes children adopted by commissioning parent(s) (surrogate parents), whether the commissioning parent is a relative or not.


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