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Support services for carers.

Indicator Summary


(Interim) Number of disability support service users aged 0–64 years with an informal carer, where the service user accessed services to assist the carer in their caring role, in the reporting period.

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(Interim) Number of disability support service users aged 0–64 years with an informal carer in the reporting period.

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(Interim) Number of disability support service users aged 0-64 years with an informal carer, where the service user accessed services to assist the carer in their caring role, in the reporting period divided by number of disability support service users aged 0-64 years with an informal carer in the reporting period.

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Disaggregation's will be presented for each of the following categories of services:

  • In-home accommodation support (service types 1.05 and 1.06)
  • Community access (service types 3.01, 3.02 and 3.03)
  • Respite (service types 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04 and 4.05).

Each category of services will be presented for the following disaggregation's.

State/territory by

  • Carer sex (male, female, total) by carer age group (under 45 years, 45–64, 65 years and above, total)
  • Carer relationship to care recipient/service user (wife/husband/partner, mother, father, son/son-in-law/daughter/daughter-in-law, other, total) …
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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

(Interim) Number of disability support service users aged 0-64 years with an informal carer, where the service user accessed services to assist the carer in their caring role, in the reporting period divided by number of disability support service users aged 0-64 years with an informal carer in the reporting period.


(Interim) Number of disability support service users aged 0–64 years with an informal carer, where the service user accessed services to assist the carer in their caring role, in the reporting period.


(Interim) Number of disability support service users aged 0–64 years with an informal carer in the reporting period.


Disaggregation's will be presented for each of the following categories of services:

  • In-home accommodation support (service types 1.05 and 1.06)
  • Community access (service types 3.01, 3.02 and 3.03)
  • Respite (service types 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04 and 4.05).

Each category of services will be presented for the following disaggregation's.

State/territory by

  • Carer sex (male, female, total) by carer age group (under 45 years, 45–64, 65 years and above, total)
  • Carer relationship to care recipient/service user (wife/husband/partner, mother, father, son/son-in-law/daughter/daughter-in-law, other, total)
  • Age of care recipient/service user (0-4, 5-14, 15-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 years, total)
  • Carer primary status (primary carer, non-primary carer, total)
  • Carer residency status (co-resident, non-resident, total)

Disaggregation's will be presented for each of the following categories of services:

Where possible, respite services will be further disaggregated as follows:

State/territory by:

i. Own home respite (service type 4.01)

ii. Centre-based respite/respite homes (service type 4.02)

iii. Host family respite/peer support respite (service type 4.03)

iv. Flexible respite (service type 4.04)

v. Other respite (service type 4.05)

vi. Total


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