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This table shows items related to the item Identifier.
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Showing 6 results.
Name Details Statuses
Identifier—identifier designation, text X[X(19)]
Data Element
An alphanumeric identifier, assigned by an organisation, establishment or agency, used to uniquely identify an entity, as represented by text.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Identifier—identifier issuer, text X[X(199)]
Data Element
The name of the party that issues the identifier that is used to establish the identity of an entity, as...
  • Community Services: Standard on
Identifier—identifier name, text A[A(49)]
Data Element
The name or label of the identifier that establishes the identity of an entity, as represented by text.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Identifier—identifier status, code N
Data Element
The status of an identifier that is used to establish the identity of an entity, as represented by a code.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Identifier—identifier status end date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
The date on which the status of an identifier ceased to be in effect, expressed as DDMMYYYY.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Identifier—identifier status start date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
The date on which the status of an identifier came into effect, expressed as DDMMYYYY.
  • Community Services: Standard on