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This table shows items related to the item Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class.
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Showing 4 results.
Name Details Statuses
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, (AN-SNAP v 1) code NNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, (AN-SNAP v 2) code NNNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, (AN-SNAP v 3) code NNNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, code NNNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered