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This table shows items related to the item Emergency department stay—principal diagnosis .
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Showing 3 results.
Name Details Statuses
Emergency department stay—principal diagnosis, code X(18)
Data Element
The diagnosis established at the conclusion of the patient's attendance in an emergency department to be mainly responsible for occasioning...
  • Unregistered
Emergency department stay—principal diagnosis, code X[X(8)]
Data Element
The diagnosis established at the conclusion of the patient's attendance in an emergency department to be mainly responsible for occasioning...
  • Health: Superseded on
Emergency department stay—principal diagnosis, Emergency department (ICD-10-AM 11th Edition) short list code ANN.NN
Data Element
The code that represents a diagnosis established at the conclusion of the patient's attendance in an emergency department to be...
  • ACSA Research Data Stewards Committee: Standard on