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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


These data items are used in conjunction with each other to describe the workers employed in early childhood education and care services.

The following diagram shows the sequencing of the data items for workers for data collection purposes, it is not outlining the sequencing for derivation purposes. The sequencing of the data items will capture information for:

  • the main type of work activity and main role for paid workers during the reference period;
  • the field and level of highest qualification relevant to ECEC for paid contact workers during the reference period; and
  • the number of hours worked in the delivery of a preschool program for paid contact workers who delivered a preschool program during the reference period.

Early childhood education and care teacher diagram

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.

Data Elements
Reference Data Element Data Type Length Inclusion #
Person (employed)—paid employment indicator, code N
Specific Information:

'Yes' includes early childhood education and care workers who receive wages or salary. They can include contract workers or relief workers.
'No' includes workers who are not paid, but who may be receiving in-kind benefits in recognition or exchange for their work. Unpaid staff may include volunteers, unpaid work trainees, parents and family members and students on work experience.
In-kind benefits such as free child care or the reimbursement of work-related expenses in full or part (for example, token payments or small gifts such as t-shirts) are not regarded as payment of salary, and people who receive these are considered to be unpaid workers.

Number 1 mandatory 1
Person (employed)—type of work activity, early childhood education and care, code N
Conditional Inclusion:
Conditional on responding '1 Yes' to whether the person is in paid employment.
Number 1 conditional 1
Person (employed)—role of early childhood education and care worker, code N
Conditional Inclusion:
Conditional on responding '1 Yes' to whether the person is in paid employment.
- - conditional 1
Person (employed)—education field of highest relevant qualification, early childhood education and care, code N[N]
Conditional Inclusion:
Conditional on being a paid early childhood education and care contact worker.
- - conditional 1
Person (employed)—level of highest qualification in early childhood education and care, code N[N]
Conditional Inclusion:
Conditional on being a paid early childhood education and care contact worker.
Number 2 conditional 1


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Relation Count
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0