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By 2012–13, 80 per cent of emergency department presentation are seen within clinically recommended triage times as recommended by the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine.

Indicator Summary


Number of presentations to public hospital emergency departments that were treated within benchmarks for each triage category:

  • Triage category 1: seen within seconds, calculated as less than or equal to 2 minutes
  • Triage category 2: seen within 10 minutes
  • Triage category 3: seen within 30 minutes
  • Triage category 4: seen within 60 minutes
  • Triage category 5: seen within 120 minutes
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Total presentations to public hospital emergency departments
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See the Australasian Triage Scale from the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine for descriptions of each triage category, including indicative clinical descriptors.

The numerator and denominator include records with a Type of visit of Emergency presentation. For South Australia only, Type of visit can be Emergency presentation or Not reported.

Records are excluded from both the numerator and denominator if …

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2009–10 (revised for peer group) and 2010–11—Nationally, by triage category, by SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) deciles

2009–10 (revised for peer group) and 2010–11—State and territory, by triage category, by:

  • peer group
  • Indigenous status
  • remoteness (Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Structure)
  • SEIFA IRSD quintiles

Disaggregation by peer group is limited to Peer Groups A and B, as this is the scope of the collection, and coverage varies for other hospitals by state and territory.

Some disaggregation may result …

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

See the Australasian Triage Scale from the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine for descriptions of each triage category, including indicative clinical descriptors.

The numerator and denominator include records with a Type of visit of Emergency presentation. For South Australia only, Type of visit can be Emergency presentation or Not reported.

Records are excluded from both the numerator and denominator if the episode end status is either Did not wait to be attended by a health professional or Dead on arrival, not treated in emergency department or if the Waiting time to service is missing or invalid.

Analysis by state and territory is based on location of service.

Analysis by remoteness and SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) is based on usual residence of person.

Presented as a percentage.


Number of presentations to public hospital emergency departments that were treated within benchmarks for each triage category:

  • Triage category 1: seen within seconds, calculated as less than or equal to 2 minutes
  • Triage category 2: seen within 10 minutes
  • Triage category 3: seen within 30 minutes
  • Triage category 4: seen within 60 minutes
  • Triage category 5: seen within 120 minutes
Total presentations to public hospital emergency departments

2009–10 (revised for peer group) and 2010–11—Nationally, by triage category, by SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) deciles

2009–10 (revised for peer group) and 2010–11—State and territory, by triage category, by:

  • peer group
  • Indigenous status
  • remoteness (Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Structure)
  • SEIFA IRSD quintiles

Disaggregation by peer group is limited to Peer Groups A and B, as this is the scope of the collection, and coverage varies for other hospitals by state and territory.

Some disaggregation may result in numbers too small for publication.


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