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This table shows items related to the item Address: Australian Postcode, (Postcode datafile) NNNN.
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Showing 5 results.
Name Details Statuses
National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: After-hours GP attendances, 2012–13
The number of after-hours GP-attendances per person per year.
  • Unregistered
National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Bulk-billed GP attendances, 2012–13
The percentage of GP attendances bulk billed in a year.
  • Unregistered
National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on after-hours GP attendances, 2012–13
The total Medicare benefits expenditure for after-hours GP attendances claimed through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
  • Unregistered
National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on GP attendances, 2012–13
The total Medicare benefits expenditure for non-referred GP attendances claimed through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
  • Unregistered
National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: GP attendances, 2012–13
The average number of GP attendances per person in a year.
  • Unregistered