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A code set representing the relationship of a person to a presenting unit head.


Data Type String
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Self
2 Spouse/partner
3 Parent/Guardian
4 Child
5 Step child
6 Foster child
7 Sibling
8 Aunt or uncle
9 Niece or nephew
10 Grandparent
11 Grandchild
12 Other relative
13 Unrelated person
14 Unrelated flatmate or co-tenant
15 Other relationship
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Self

This code is selected if one person presents

CODE 2 Spouse/partner

This code is selected if a person has a relationship to the presenting unit head akin to a 'married' or 'partner' relationship. This includes same sex couples.

CODE 3 Parent/Guardian

This code is selected if the person is the parent or guardian of the presenting unit head.

CODE 4 Child

This code is selected if the person is natural or adopted child of the presenting unit head.

CODE 5 Step Child

This code is selected if the person is the step child of the presenting unit head.

CODE 6 Foster child

This code is selected if the person is the foster child of the presenting unit head.

CODE 7 Sibling

This code is selected if the person is either the brother or sister of the presenting unit head.

CODE 8 Aunt or Uncle

This code is selected if the person is either the aunt or uncle of the presenting unit head.

CODE 9 Niece or nephew

This code is selected if the person is either the niece or nephew of the presenting unit head.

CODE 10 Grandparent

This code is selected if the person is a grandparent of the presenting unit head.

CODE 11 Grandchild

This code is selected if the person is the grandchild of the presenting unit head.

CODE 12 Other relative

This code is selected if the person is a more distant relative to the presenting unit head, e.g. cousin, second cousin etc.

CODE 13 Unrelated person

This code is selected if the person accompanying the presenting unit head is not related to them. This would include those people who are friends of the person.

CODE 14 Unrelated flatmate or co-tenant

This code is selected if the person is either a flatmate or co-tenant with the presenting unit head.

CODE 15 Other relationship

This code is selected if the person has another type of relationship to the presenting unit head that has not been described above.


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Relation Count
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