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The usual role of the early childhood education and care worker


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Principal/director/coordinator/teacher-in-charge
2 Group leader/teacher
3 Assistant/aide
4 Other contact worker
5 Non contact worker


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Principal/director/coordinator/teacher in charge – is a person with overall responsibility for managing the service.

CODE 2 Group leader/teacher – is a qualified early childhood teacher or carer responsible for a group of young children.

CODE 3 Assistant/aide – is an early childhood worker who helps a more senior and more qualified early childhood teacher or carer.

CODE 4 Other contact worker – includes people who provide additional or supplementary services for children, such as a dance teacher, music therapist, disability support worker, librarian or speech therapist.

CODE 5 Non contact worker – is a worker who has no direct contact with children and primarily contributes to the running of the service or provides support services.


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