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Proportion of Australians who accessed health care by type of service and Indigenous Status; Indigenous Australian's level of need for a health care service by type of service.

Indicator Summary


Measure (1a): Number of people aged 15 years and over who accessed a particular health services in the past 12 months (for hospital admissions) or 2 weeks (for other health services)

Measure (1b): Number of persons who needed to access health care but did not
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Measure 1a and 1b: Population aged 15 years and over
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Presentation: Percentage (crude and age standardised), rate ratios and rate differences including confidence intervals and relative standard errors for percentages.

The service types to be reported are admitted hospitalisations, casualty/outpatients GP and/or specialist doctor consultations, consultations with other health professional and dental consultation.

For the service type 'admitted hospitalisations', access is recorded based on the last 12 months. For all …

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

Presentation: Percentage (crude and age standardised), rate ratios and rate differences including confidence intervals and relative standard errors for percentages.

The service types to be reported are admitted hospitalisations, casualty/outpatients GP and/or specialist doctor consultations, consultations with other health professional and dental consultation.

For the service type 'admitted hospitalisations', access is recorded based on the last 12 months. For all other services, access is recorded based on the last 2 weeks.

Categories of reasons why did not access services in the last 12 months are: cost, too busy, dislikes, waiting time too long or not available at time required, decided not to seek care, transport/distance, not available in area, felt it would be inadequate, discrimination/not culturally appropriate/language problems, other not further defined.

Additional data are presented by health status. Categories of self−assessed health status are excellent, very good, good, fair and poor. These should be combined into two categories for reporting: excellent/very good/good and fair/poor.

Measure (1a): Number of people aged 15 years and over who accessed a particular health services in the past 12 months (for hospital admissions) or 2 weeks (for other health services)

Measure (1b): Number of persons who needed to access health care but did not
Measure 1a and 1b: Population aged 15 years and over


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