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Use of specialist disability service.

Indicator Summary


Number of users of specialist disability services aged 0–64 years in the reporting period.

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Estimated potential population for specialist disability services on 30 June at start of reporting period.

Although the definition of potential population is under review by the National Disability Data Network, theNational Disability Information Management Group (NDIMG)agreed to adopt the conventional definition until the review completes. That is, people aged under 65 years with profound or severe core activity limitation will be used for the baseline CRC report.

Potential population will be calculated by applying age-sex-specific rates of severe/profound core activity limitation (from the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC)2003) to the 30 June 2007Estimated Residential Population by state/territory by age group by sex. No Indigenous weight or scaling factor is used. National level age-sex rates from SDAC 2003, rather than state/territoryage- sex rates are used due to the high sampling errors associated with some of the state/territory-age-sex rate estimates.

The method used to calculate the country of birth and remoteness disaggregations will be the same as that adopted by the Disability Services Working Group for calculation of special needs group indicators in the Report on Government Services 2010. This method incorporates 2006 Census data for comparing population groups.

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Performance Indicators for disability services funded by the Australian Government (employment services only) are restricted to the age range 15–64 years.

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

Performance Indicators for disability services funded by the Australian Government (employment services only) are restricted to the age range 15–64 years.


Number of users of specialist disability services aged 0–64 years in the reporting period.


Estimated potential population for specialist disability services on 30 June at start of reporting period.

Although the definition of potential population is under review by the National Disability Data Network, theNational Disability Information Management Group (NDIMG)agreed to adopt the conventional definition until the review completes. That is, people aged under 65 years with profound or severe core activity limitation will be used for the baseline CRC report.

Potential population will be calculated by applying age-sex-specific rates of severe/profound core activity limitation (from the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC)2003) to the 30 June 2007Estimated Residential Population by state/territory by age group by sex. No Indigenous weight or scaling factor is used. National level age-sex rates from SDAC 2003, rather than state/territoryage- sex rates are used due to the high sampling errors associated with some of the state/territory-age-sex rate estimates.

The method used to calculate the country of birth and remoteness disaggregations will be the same as that adopted by the Disability Services Working Group for calculation of special needs group indicators in the Report on Government Services 2010. This method incorporates 2006 Census data for comparing population groups.


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