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Incidence of end-stage kidney disease.

Indicator Summary

Number of unique individuals who appeared as new cases on the ANZDATA registry in the reference year, and the number of untreated individuals who died with an underlying cause of death of renal failure or an associated cause of death of chronic renal failure, end-stage.
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Total population
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Count new cases on the Australian and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Register (ANZDATA) registry and those who died of end-stage kidney disease in the same year once only.

Causes of death in scope: Chronic renal failure (ICD-10 codes N180, N188, N189); Hypertensive renal failure (ICD-10 codes I120, I131, I132) and Unspecified renal failure (ICD-10 code N19) as an underlying …

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

Count new cases on the Australian and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Register (ANZDATA) registry and those who died of end-stage kidney disease in the same year once only.

Causes of death in scope: Chronic renal failure (ICD-10 codes N180, N188, N189); Hypertensive renal failure (ICD-10 codes I120, I131, I132) and Unspecified renal failure (ICD-10 code N19) as an underlying cause and Chronic renal failure, end-stage (ICD-10 code N180) as an associated cause of death.

Rates are directly age-standardised to the Australian population as at 30 June 2001.

Presented per 100,000 population.
Number of unique individuals who appeared as new cases on the ANZDATA registry in the reference year, and the number of untreated individuals who died with an underlying cause of death of renal failure or an associated cause of death of chronic renal failure, end-stage.
Total population


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