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A code list representing the types of service activities that service outlets are funded to provide under the National Disability Agreement.


Data Type Number
Format N.NN
Maximum character length 4


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1.01 Large residential/institution (>20 people) - 24 hour care
1.02 Small residential/institution (7-20 people) - 24 hour care
1.03 Hostels - generally not 24 hour care
1.04 Group homes (less than 7 people)
1.05 Attendant care/personal care
1.06 In-home accommodation support
1.07 Alternative family placement
1.08 Other accommodation support
2.01 Therapy support for individuals
2.02 Early childhood intervention
2.03 Behaviour/specialist intervention
2.04 Counselling (individual/family/group)
2.05 Regional resource and support teams
2.06 Case management, local coordination and development
2.07 Other community support
3.01 Learning and life skills development
3.02 Recreation/holiday programs
3.03 Other community access
4.01 Own home respite
4.02 Centre-based respite/respite homes
4.03 Host family respite/peer support respite
4.04 Flexible respite
4.05 Other respite
5.01 Open employment
5.02 Supported employment
6.01 Advocacy
6.02 Information/referral
6.03 Combined information/advocacy
6.04 Mutual support/self-help groups
6.05 Alternative formats of communication
7.01 Research and evaluation
7.02 Training and development
7.03 Peak bodies
7.04 Other support services


Guide for use:

Codes 1.01 - 1.08 Accommodation support

Services that provide accommodation to people with a disability and services that provide support needed to enable a person with a disability to remain in their existing accommodation or to move to more suitable or appropriate accommodation.

Code 1.01 Large residentials/institutions (>20 places)

Large residentials/institutions are usually located on large parcels of land and provide 24 hour residential support in a congregate setting of more than 20 beds. In some cases a range of residential and vocational/day services, and/or respite services are provided in the one site. (Where this is the case, each additional service type should be funded and/or reported against under the DS NMDS as a separate service type outlet.)

Code 1.02 Small residentials/institutions (7-20 places)

Small residentials/institutions are usually located on large parcels of land and provide 24 hour residential support in a congregate or cluster setting of 7 to 20 beds. In some cases a range of residential and vocational/day services, and/or respite services are provided on the one site. (Where this is the case, each additional service type should be funded and/or reported against under the DS NMDS as a separate service type outlet.)

Code 1.03 Hostels

Hostels provide residential support in a congregate setting of usually less than 20 beds, and may or may not provide 24 hour residential support. Many are situated in an institutional setting and also have respite beds included on the premises. In contrast to residentials/institutions (1.01 and 1.02), hostels usually do not provide segregated specialist services. (Where this is the case, each additional service type should be funded and/or reported against under the DS NMDS as a separate service type outlet.)

Code 1.04 Group homes (<7 places)

Group homes provide combined accommodation and community based residential support to people in a residential setting. Usually no more than 6 service users are located in any one house, although this can vary. Group homes are generally staffed 24 hours a day. The agency being funded to provide the service must have control of the residence, i.e. own, lease, hold in trust, or in other ways be responsible for the residence, not just the support to enable the residents to remain in the residence. If the only service being provided is support to enable residents to remain in their existing accommodation, then see category 1.05 ‘attendant care/personal care’ or 1.06 ‘in-home accommodation support’.

Code 1.05 Attendant care/personal care

An attendant care program provides for an attendant(s) to assist people with daily activities that they are unable to complete for themselves because of physical, intellectual or any other disability. The service is provided to people to assist them to live in the community, and to live on their own.

Code 1.06 In-home accommodation support

Support involves individual in-home living support and/or developmental programming services for people with a disability, supplied independently of accommodation. The accommodation may be owned, rented, or otherwise provided, but should be independent of the agency providing the in-home support service, otherwise see code 1.04 ‘group homes’. Where an in-home accommodation support services also provides some other limited assistance, for example help with banking once a week, then in-home accommodation should be recorded, as it is the primary focus of the support provided.

Code 1.07 Alternative family placement

Placements of a person with a disability with an alternative family who will provide care and support. Includes shared-care arrangements and host family placements.

Code 1.08 Other accommodation support

Accommodation support services that provide short-term, one-off instances of accommodation such as:

  • accommodation provided so that individuals or families can access specialist services, or further education;
  • emergency or crisis accommodation support (e.g. following the death of a parent or carer);
  • houses or flats for holiday accommodation.

If the accommodation support is primarily for respite (i.e. involves the separation of the service user from their usual support arrangements or the addition of extra support in their current environment) please refer to the relevant service type 4.01–4.05.

Codes 2.01 - 2.07 Community support

Services that provide the support needed for a person with a disability to live in a non-institutional setting. Support with the basic needs of living such as meal preparation, dressing, transferring etc. are included under accommodation support.

Code 2.01 Therapy support for individuals

Specialised, therapeutic care services including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology. These services are intended to improve, maintain or slow deterioration of a person’s functional performance, and/or assist in the assessment and recommendation of equipment to enable people to perform as independently as possible in their environment.

Code 2.02 Early childhood intervention

Support services to assist children up to (but not including) six years of age with a developmental delay to integrate with peers into pre-schools and the wider community. This will include the full range of services that the child receives.

Code 2.03 Behaviour/specialist intervention

These include the range of services relating to the management of challenging behaviours, including dangerous antisocial behaviour. Services include intensive intervention support, training and education in behaviour management, and consultancy services for other professionals. Behaviour/specialist intervention is often provided as a by-product of other services.

Code 2.04 Counselling (individual/family/group)

Services that provide counselling to individuals, families or groups.

Code 2.05 Regional resource and support teams

Regional resource and support teams are generally inter-disciplinary teams that provide a combination of services in the categories 2.01, 2.02 and 2.03, that cannot be broken down into the component parts. Regional resource and support teams may also assist service users to access mainstream services and/or support mainstream funded agencies. Except for early childhood intervention teams, these teams usually have an individual, rather than a family, focus.

Code 2.06 Case management, local coordination and development

This is a broad service type category, including elements of individual or family focussed case management and brokerage as well as coordination and development activity within a specified geographical area. Services assist people with disability to maximise their independence and participation in the community through working with the individual, family and/or carers in care planning and/or facilitating access to appropriate services.

Case management services are targeted to individuals who require assistance, for a period of time, to access necessary supports, including help with service coordination and with assisting services to respond to their service needs. Brokerage is one method of purchasing appropriate supports for an individual and should be included in this category.

Other forms of local coordination and development generally involve working with the individual, family and/or carers and at the community level to facilitate positive changes that assist people with disability to live and participate in the community and assist families in their continued provision of care. Local coordination does not generally involve management of individuals’ funds and does not generally involve ongoing case management. However, discretionary funds are sometimes available for one-off purchases (e.g. respite, therapy) to enable a quick response until longer term supports can be put in place.

Code 2.07 Other community support

Community support services other than those outlined above (i.e. other than 2.01–2.06).

Codes 3.01 - 3.03 Community access

Services designed to provide opportunities for people with disability to gain and use their abilities to enjoy their full potential for social independence.
People who do not attend school, or who are not employed full-time mainly use these services.

The key features are that the services:

  • are flexible and responsive to personal needs and interests;
  • range from educational to leisure and recreational pursuits;
  • range from facility to home based activities;
  • include supervision and physical care, and models which link people into activities which are offered to the whole community; and
  • range from long term day support to time-limited and goal oriented education that maximises personal independent functioning and may complement other community services.

Code 3.01 Learning and life skills development

These programs provide ongoing day-to-day support for service users to gain greater access and participate in community-based activities. Programs may focus on continuing education to develop skills and independence in a variety of life areas (e.g. self-help, social skills and literacy and numeracy) or enjoyment, leisure and social interaction. They are often called Day Programs.

Activities under service type 3.01 may include:

  • Attending courses to develop literacy and numeracy, financial and household management skills or classes such as cooking, arts and crafts, water aerobics and fitness.
  • Undertaking trips to art galleries, libraries, movies, zoos, parks and nature reserves or outings that involve fishing or other recreational activities.
  • Undertaking tours to familiarise individuals with their local area and develop confidence in using public transport or visits to facilities such as hospitals, designed to alleviate the stress of future visits.
  • Participating in volunteer programs such as helping at the RSPCA or landscaping and gardening programs.
  • Attending social clubs, e.g., book, music or sporting clubs; and
  • Going on shopping trips or eating out in various venues from food halls to restaurants.

Code 3.02 Recreation/holiday programs

Recreation services and holiday programs aim to facilitate the integration and participation of people with disability in recreation and leisure activities available in the general community. These services may also enhance the capacity and responsiveness of mainstream sport and recreation agencies and community organisations to provide for people with disability.

Code 3.03 Other community access

Community access services other than those outlined above (i.e. other than 3.01–3.02)

Codes 4.01 - 4.05 Respite

Respite services provide a short term and time limited break for families and other voluntary care givers of people with disability, to assist in supporting and maintaining the primary care giving relationship, while providing a positive experience for the person with disability.

Code 4.01 Own home respite

Respite care provided in the individual’s own home location.

Code 4.02 Centre-based respite/respite homes

Respite care provided in community setting similar to a ‘group home’ structure and respite care provided in other centre-based settings. This service type includes respite care provided in any of the accommodation settings 1.01–1.04.

Code 4.03 Host family respite/peer support respite

Host family respite provides a network of ‘host families’ matched to the age, interests and background of the individual and their carer. Peer support is generally targeted at children or young adults up to 25 years of age, and matches the individual with a peer of similar age and interests, usually for group activities. Usually provided on a voluntary basis.

Code 4.04 Flexible respite

Respite services that offer any combination of own home, host family/peer support respite. Includes respite where day outings and camping trips are taken (this service type is distinguished from service type 3.02 ‘Recreation/holiday programs’ because the primary purpose is respite). Flexible respite to meet an individual’s needs may include brokerage for respite, only when the funding dollars come from respite resources.

Code 4.05 Other respite

Respite services other than those outlined above (i.e. other than 4.01–4.04), including:

  • Crisis respite
  • Holidays for the person with the disability where the primary intention of the service is to provide respite support (rather than primarily a holiday experience) and the service user is generally separated from their usual support arrangements, e.g. family.

Codes 5.01 - 5.02 Employment

Code 5.01 Open employment

Services that provide employment assistance to people with disability in obtaining and/or retaining paid employment in another organisation.

Code 5.02 Supported employment

Services that support or employ people with disability within the same organisation.

Codes 6.01 - 6.05 Advocacy, information and alternative forms of communication

Code 6.01 Advocacy

Services designed to enable people with disability to increase the control they have over their lives through the representation of their interests and views in the community. Examples include:

  • self advocacy/individual advocacy
  • citizen advocacy
  • group advocacy
  • system/systematic advocacy

Code 6.02 Information/referral

Information services provide accessible information to people with disabilities, their carers, families and related professionals. This service type provides specific information about disability specific and generic services, equipment, and promotes the development of community awareness. Information includes contact by phone, print or e-mail that recommends a person to another service.

Code 6.03 Combined information/advocacy

Services that offer both information and advocacy services to individuals where these two components cannot reasonably be separated.

Code 6.04 Mutual support/self help groups

Focus, or special interest groups to provide support and assistance for people with disabilities, their families and carers. These groups promote self advocacy through the provision of information, support and assistance.

Code 6.05 Alternative formats of communication

Includes alternative formats of communication for people who by reason of their disability are unable to access information provided in the standard format. May include interpreter services, radio and alternative formats of print medium, e.g. TTY, braille etc.

Codes 7.01 - 7.04 Other support

Code 7.01 Research and evaluation

Research and evaluation with respect to the provision of services funded under the NDA for people with disability. This includes the investigation of the need for new services or enhancement of existing services and the measurement of outcomes for people with disability using these services. Responsibility for this service type is shared between the Commonwealth and State/Territory governments.

Code 7.02 Training and development

Training and development services may be funded for example, to train disability funded agencies to deliver higher quality or more appropriate services to people with disabilities or develop materials or methods that promote service system improvements.

Code 7.03 Peak bodies

Peak bodies are generally funded to support non-government disability funded agencies in achieving positive outcomes for people with disability.

Code 7.04 Other support services

Services that are completely outside any of the defined service types above (that is, outside service types, 1.01–1.08, 2.01–2.07, 3.01–3.03, 4.01–4.05, 5.01–5.03, 6.01–6.05 and 7.01–7.03). This service type also includes the provision of one-off funding for a defined event (e.g. for promotional activities) or for the purchase of aids and equipment for a community facility (not for an individual).


Disability Services National Minimum Data Set (DS NMDS) collection. Data Guide: data items and definitions 2009–10.


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