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A code set representing types of accommodation.


Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Private residence (e.g. private or public rental, owned, purchasing etc)
2 Residence within an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander community (e.g. rented private residence, temporary shelter)
3 Domestic-scale supported living facility (e.g. group homes)
4 Supported accommodation facility (e.g. hostels, supported residential services or facilities)
5 Boarding house/private hotel
6 Independent living unit within a retirement village
7 Residential aged care facility (nursing home or aged care hostel)
8 Psychiatric/mental health community care facility
9 Hospital
10 Short term crisis, emergency or transitional accommodation facility (e.g. night shelters, refuges, hostels for the homeless, halfway houses)
11 Public place/temporary shelter
12 Other
1 Private residence (e.g. private or public rental, owned, purchasing etc)
2 Residence within an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander community (e.g. rented private residence, temporary shelter)
3 Domestic-scale supported living facility (e.g. group homes)
4 Supported accommodation facility (e.g. hostels, supported residential services or facilities)
5 Boarding house/private hotel
6 Independent living unit within a retirement village
7 Residential aged care facility (nursing home or aged care hostel)
8 Psychiatric/mental health community care facility
9 Hospital
10 Short term crisis, emergency or transitional accommodation facility (e.g. night shelters, refuges, hostels for the homeless, halfway houses)
11 Public place/temporary shelter
12 Other
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described (not for use in primary data collections)
99 Not stated/inadequately described (not for use in primary data collections)


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