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A code set representing the type of legal right a person has to occupy a dwelling.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Owner without a mortgage
2 Owner with a mortgage
3 Purchaser/renter under a rent/buy scheme
4 Renter
5 Occupier under a rent free accommodation
6 Occupier under a life tenure scheme
7 Other tenure type
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

The Tenure type of persons in caravans and manufactured homes is determined according to the tenure of the dwelling structure and not the land. Thus, a person who owns a caravan and rents a site in a caravan park is regarded as an owner.

Code 1. Owner without a mortgage:
A person who owns their dwelling and is not making any payments on mortgages or loans secured against the dwelling. (Thus persons who have repaid a loan but technically not discharged the associated mortgage are included in this category).

Code 2. Owner with a mortgage:
A person who owns their dwelling and is repaying a mortgage or loans secured against the dwelling, regardless of the purpose of the mortgage or secured loan.

Code 3. Purchaser/renter under a rent/buy scheme:
A person purchasing a proportion of the equity in the dwelling, and paying rent for the remainder.

Code 4. Renter:
A person paying money to another person/organisation in return for accommodation. Included in this category are: Boarder, a person who is provided with meals and lodging in return for money; and Lodger, a person who is provided with lodging only (a room or rooms) in return for money.

Code 5. Occupier under rent free accommodation:
A person paying no money in exchange for accommodation. Exclude owners with or without a mortgage, house-sitters, and those paying accommodation in goods and services.

Code 6. Occupier under a life tenure scheme:
A person with a contract to live in the dwelling for the term of his/her life but without the full rights of ownership and usually has/have limited or no equity in the dwelling. This is a common arrangement in retirement villages.

Code 7. Other tenure type:
The tenure does not fit any of the above categories. For example: house-sitting, payment in kind, for a specific service.


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Relation Count
Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1