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A code set representing the reason for accommodation not being offered by the SAAP agency.


Data Type Number
Format N[NN]
Maximum character length 3


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 2 Insufficient staff to provide support
4 Agency inappropriate—wrong target group
8 Age of male child (applicable for DV agencies)
11 Type of accommodation requested not provided
12 Facilities for special needs not available
13 Person/group inappropriate for agency
14 No fee-free accommodation available
15 Referral agency with no vacancies on books
999 Other (please specify)


Guide for use:

CODE 15 Referral agency with no vacancies on books

This code is used when a referral agency tells potential clients that no vacancies are available without contacting any accommodation agencies.

CODE 3 Insufficient accommodation available

This code is selected in a situation where the agency is not able to meet a request for accommodation because all your its beds or accommodation facilities are currently occupied, or if the available accommodation is not of sufficient capacity to accommodate those requesting such assistance. This option should be selected if, for example, a family of two adults and five children request accommodation, but the accommodation available through the agency is only suitable for a family of four.

CODE 4 Agency inappropriate—wrong target group

This code is used in a situation where the person or group seeking to become a client(s) does not fall within the agency’s target group. For example, accommodation cannot be provided to a woman and her two children because the agency only provides accommodation for single men.

CODE 11 Type of accommodation requested not provided

This code is selected where there is a request for accommodation that the agency does not provide. This option includes requests for longer term accommodation that were not able to be provided. It also includes requests for: houses rather than dormitory or share accommodation; or for independent rather than supported housing.

CODE 2 Insufficient staff to provide support

This code is used in a situation, for example, where a person/group is refused accommodation because the agency does not have enough staff to provide the support that this person/group may need, such as intensive support for behavioural issues, or family counselling because all counsellors have a full case load.

CODE 12 Facilities for special needs not available

This code is selected if a person/group was not accommodated due to a lack of appropriate facilities associated with special needs, including physical, psychiatric or intellectual disability, cultural needs, or other special needs. For example, if a request for a house with suitable outdoor facilities for children cannot be met, or if special cooking facilities for religious purposes are not available.

CODE 8 Age of male child (applicable for DV agencies)

This option is relevant for domestic violence agencies only. It refers to a situation where a person/group’s request for accommodation was not fulfilled because the agency’s policy does not allow for male children of certain ages to be accommodated.

CODE 13 Person/group inappropriate for agency

This code is used in a situation where an agency has judged the person/group as inappropriate. Reasons for this choice might include a person/group being intoxicated or violent, being unable to abide by agency rules or having a past history with the agency.

CODE 14 No fee-free accommodation available

This code is selected in situations where the person/group is not given accommodation because they cannot meet the financial requirements (for example, fees) for that accommodation.

CODE 999 Other (please specify)

If the main reason for not meeting the accommodation needs of a potential client was something other than those listed, this code is used and the reason is recorded.


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