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A code set representing the reason for non-acceptance of accommodation offer.


Data Type Number
Format N[NN]
Maximum character length 3


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 The person/group did not show
2 The group did not want to split up
3 The agency was in the wrong area
4 The person/group wanted longer term housing
5 The person/group wanted different housing option
999 Other (please specify)


Guide for use:

CODE 1 The person/group did not show

This code is used if the person/group did not turn up at the service, or did not show for an interview or some other necessary appointment.

CODE 2 The group did not want to split up

This code is selected if a group refused an offer of accommodation because they did not want to separate and the agency could only accommodate some of the group. This includes couples, extended families and groups of friends who could not be accommodated together.

CODE 3 The agency was in the wrong area

This code is used in a situation where a person/group did not want to move either out of a particular area/town or into a particular area/town in order to get accommodated.

CODE 4 Person/group wanted longer term housing

This code is selected in a situation where an offer of accommodation was refused because the person/group wanted longer term housing than that which was offered.

CODE 5 The person/group wanted different housing option

This code is used when the person/group refused the offer of accommodation because they did not want to share, or wanted either more independent or more supported housing, or didn’t want to stay in a hostel/hotel or other type of housing offered.

CODE 999 Other (please specify)

If the main reason why a person/group refused the offer of accommodation was something other than those listed, this code is used and the reason is recorded.


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