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A place at which a person or organisation may be contacted/located, or where an object/item or dwelling may be located
or the location where a service may be delivered.


Guide for use:

Address is the concatenation of unit number, number, street, city/town, state, territory, postcode, and country.

Number can refer to a street number, lot number or RMB (roadside mailbox) number.


Required for primary collection to facilitate contact with the client, person or service provider.


National Health Data Dictionary Version 11.

National Community Services Data Dictionary Version 2.


There are differences in interpretation of what constitutes a person's 'usual' address, if this is required. The ABS specifies 'Usual address' to be an address that the person has been living in or is likely to live in for at least six months. Some data collections collect information about the location of client immediately prior to provision of  service. This may or may not coincide with the client's usual address.


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