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The total number of clients receiving services or care from an agency or organisation.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total people N[NNNN] ".
Data Type Number
Format N[NNNN]
Maximum character length 5


Guide for use:

Each client receiving a service during the reporting period should be counted only once, regardless of the number of times they accessed the service in that time period.

This data item refers to the number of clients receiving services, not those 'on the books', 'on waiting lists', number of 'beds' or 'places'.


Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set (CSTDA NMDS) collection. Data Guide: data items and definitions 2006-07.


The information is needed to provide a basic count of people accessing services, and will relate to population data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to help in assessing met and unmet need.


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Relation Count
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Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 6
Inclusion in Data Distributions 0
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0