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A code set representing types of out-of-home placement.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Residential care
2 Family group home
3 Grandparents
4 Other relative/kin care
5 Foster care
6 Other home-based care
7 Independent living
8 Other type of care
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Residential care

Where placement is in a residential building whose purpose is to provide placements for children and where there are paid staff.

CODE 2 Family group home

Where the child is placed in a residential home owned by the state or territory but where there is a carer who lives in this home.

CODE 3 Grandparents

CODE 4 Other relative/kin care

Includes family members (other than parents or grandparents) or a person known to the child and/or family (based on a pre-existing relationship).

CODE 5 Foster care

Where the carers are paid a regular allowance for the child’s support by a government authority or non-government organisation. The carers are registered, licensed or approved as foster parents by an authorised department or non-government organisation.

CODE 6 Other home-based care

Any other home based care not listed above.

CODE 7 Supported independent living

Including private board and lead tenant households. This type of care is arranged and supported by the department e.g. rent and bills are paid for.

CODE 8 Other type of care

Placements that do not fit into the above categories.

CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described

Where the type of care is not known.


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