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A code set representing the reason why an episode of juvenile justice ended.


Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Released on bail
2 Court remand
3 Sentenced
4 Transferred
5 Breached
6 More serious order begun
7 Conditions of sentence met
8 Escaped
9 Died
10 No further action
11 Released on parole/supervised release
12 Matters proven/charges dismissed
13 Exit/referred to external program/other
14 Absconded
15 Other reason
1 Released on bail
2 Court remand
3 Sentenced
4 Transferred
5 Breached
6 More serious order begun
7 Conditions of sentence met
8 Escaped
9 Died
10 No further action
11 Released on parole/supervised release
12 Matters proven/charges dismissed
13 Exit/referred to external program/other
14 Absconded
15 Other reason


Guide for use:

CODE 0 Not applicable

This code is to be used for those clients who are still on the juvenile justice episode at the end of the counting period.

CODE 1 Released on bail

Only to be recorded where a client exits a pre-sentence episode.

CODE 2 Court remand

Only to be recorded where a client exits a pre-sentence episode.

CODE 3 Sentenced

Only to be recorded where a client exits a pre-sentence episode.

CODE 4 Transferred

To be recorded, for example, where: a juvenile on a detention order is transferred from one detention centre to another in the same State or Territory but there has been no change in their juvenile justice episode type; a juvenile is transferred to an adult correctional facility or where the supervision/case management role moves from the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system; or where juveniles are transferred interstate and as a result their juvenile justice episode is discharged by the original jurisdiction

CODE 5 Breached

Breaches that are a result of re offending, non-compliance to the conditions of the order, or where it is not clear whether it is a breach due to non-compliance or re-offending but results in an exit from an episode should be recorded as 5. Where a breach does not result in a change in juvenile justice episode type for the client then he or she should not be considered to have exited an episode and therefore no Reason for exit should be recorded.

CODE 6 More serious order begun

To be recorded in those circumstances where a juvenile justice client who is on a juvenile justice episode receives another type of order that is more highly ranked then the type of order for the original episode (but no breach has been recorded). The original episode should be ended (and a Reason for exit recorded as Code 6).

CODE 7 Conditions of sentence met

To be recorded when the juvenile justice client has fulfilled the obligations of their sentence, and is released (without a period of supervised release or parole to follow immediately).

CODE 8 Escaped

To be recorded where an escape from a detention centre or legal custody has resulted in the ending of a juvenile justice episode.

CODE 9 Died

Where the juvenile justice client has died.

CODE 10 No further action

To be recorded where the juvenile justice department decides to take no further action in pursuing the fulfilment of client obligations under their order, or where no further action is required for the fulfilment of client obligations (for eg: a young person may not complete all the community service hours as ordered by a court but no further follow up action is taken) and as such the juvenile justice episode is considered complete.

CODE 11 Released on parole/supervised release

To be recorded when the juvenile has exited a period of detention and is to commence a period of supervised release or parole.

CODE 12 Matters proven/charges dismissed

To be recorded when a client exits from a pre-court or pre-sentence episode and does not return to the system, because the results of legal proceedings do not invoke a new episode.

CODE 13 Exit/referred to external program/other

To be recorded where the client exits an episode because he or she is referred to a program which falls outside of the scope of the Juvenile Justice NMDS. Such programs may include diversionary schemes, or other legal (or other) obligations. Transfers to the adult system should be coded under 4 above.

CODE 14 Absconded

To be recorded where the client has absconded from leave granted by a juvenile justice agency and where this has resulted in the ending of a juvenile justice episode.

CODE 15 Other reason

Other should be recorded as a Reason for exit in episodes where no other category is considered suitable.


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