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This table shows items related to the item Person—Indigenous status, code N.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 26 results.
Name Details Statuses
National Affordability Housing Agreement: 3: Proportion of Australians who are homeless, 2010
The proportion of Australians who are homeless (primary homeless + secondary homeless + tertiary homeless, as defined by Chamberlain and...
  • Homelessness: Standard on
National Healthcare Agreement: P18-Life expectancy, 2010
The average number of years a person could expect to live from the day they are born if they experienced...
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: P26-Dental services, 2010
Differential rates for use of dental services per 1,000 population.
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: P31-Proportion of people with asthma with a written asthma plan, 2010
Proportion of people with asthma who have a written asthma plan
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: P33-Women with at least one antenatal visit in the first trimester, 2010
Proportion of pregnancies that resulted in a birth with an antenatal visit in the first trimester. Births include live...
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: P64a-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2010
Indigenous Australians in the health workforce (for selected professions of medical practitioners and nurses/midwives). Sourced from the the Australian Institute of...
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: P64b-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2010
Indigenous Australians in the health workforce. Sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data.
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PB 08-Close the life expectancy gap for Indigenous Australians within a generation, 2011
Difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous life expectancies at birth.
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PB 08-Close the life expectancy gap for Indigenous Australians within a generation, 2012
Difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous life expectancies at birth.
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PB a-Better health: close the life expectancy gap for Indigenous Australians within a generation, 2013
Difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous life expectancies at birth.
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PB a-Better health: close the life expectancy gap for Indigenous Australians within a generation, 2014
Difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous life expectancies at birth.
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 31-Proportion of people with asthma with a written asthma plan, 2011
Proportion of people with asthma who have a written asthma plan
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 31-Proportion of people with asthma with a written asthma plan, 2012
Proportion of people with asthma who have a written asthma plan
  • Health: Retired on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 33-Women with at least one antenatal visit in the first trimester of pregnancy, 2011
The number of women who gave birth, where an antenatal visit was reported in the first trimester, as a proportion...
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 33-Women with at least one antenatal visit in the first trimester of pregnancy, 2012
The number of women who gave birth, where an antenatal visit was reported in the first trimester, as a proportion...
  • Health: Retired on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64a-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2011
Indigenous Australians in the health workforce (for selected professions of medical practitioners and nurses/midwives)
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64a-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2012
Indigenous Australians in the health workforce (for selected professions of medical practitioners and nurses/midwives).
  • Health: Retired on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64b-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2011
Indigenous Australians in the health workforce
  • Health: Superseded on
National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64b-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2012
Indigenous Australians in the health workforce
  • Health: Retired on
National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Percentage of women who gave birth and smoked during pregnancy, 2007–2011
The number of women who gave birth and smoked at any time during the pregnancy, expressed as a percentage of...
  • Unregistered