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A code set representing the type of legal right to occupy a dwelling.


Data Type Number
Format N{.N}
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Owner
1.1 Fully owned
1.2 Being purchased/with mortgage
2 Renter
2.1 Private housing
2.2 Public housing
2.3 Community housing
3 Rent free
4 Life tenure scheme
5 Shared equity or rent/buy scheme
6 None/homeless
7 Other
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

The Tenure type of persons in caravans and manufactured homes is determined according to the tenure of the dwelling structure and not the land. Thus, a person who owns a caravan and rents a site in a caravan park is regarded as an owner.

Code 1.1. Owner - fully owned: Applies to persons who are not making any payments on mortgages or loans secured against the dwelling. (Thus persons who have repaid a loan but technically not discharged the associated mortgage are included in this category).

Code 1.2. Owner - being purchased/with mortgage: Applies to persons who are repaying a mortgage or loans secured against the dwelling, regardless of the purpose of the mortgage or secured loan.

Code 2. Renter: Money is exchanged with another person/organisation in return for accommodation. Included in this category are: Boarder, a person who is provided with meals and lodging; and Lodger, a person who is provided with lodging (a room or rooms) in return for money.

Code 2.1. Private renter: Applies to persons who pay rent in exchange for accommodation from private sources.

Code 2.2. Public renter: Applies to persons who are receiving assistance under the public rental housing programs offered by state and territory housing authorities and are paying rent to the relevant government housing authority.

Code 2.3. Community renter: Applies to persons who are receiving assistance under a community housing program offered by not-for-profit community agencies which may or may not be funded by state and territory housing authorities.

Code 3. Rent free: If no money is exchanged for accommodation and the person is not an owner of the dwelling.

Code 4. Life tenure scheme: The person(s) has/have a contract to live in the dwelling for the term of his/her life but without the full rights of ownership and usually has/have limited or no equity in the dwelling. This is a common arrangement in retirement villages.

Code 5. Shared equity or rent/buy scheme: The household is both purchasing some equity in the dwelling, and paying rent for the remainder.

Code 6. None/homeless: No tenure.

Code 7. Other: The tenure does not fit any of the above categories. For example: house-sitting, payment in kind, for a specific service.


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