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A code set representing reasons for not providing a service to a person.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Service not offered by agency
2 Person not eligible/wrong target group
3 Outlet refused service to person/offer refused
4 Person or service provider unable to attend
5 Assistance currently not available
6 Facilities for special needs not available/service inaccessible
7 Referred to other more appropriate agency
8 Other
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

Record main reason assistance not provided.

More specific categories in the data domain (that can map to this data domain) can also provide useful information at an agency or locality level about service gaps and resource limitations. For example code 6 can be broken up into a number of more specific categories to ascertain whether people are having trouble accessing services due to lack of interpreter services, disabled access to a building, etc. This information can help individual agencies better allocate their resources.

Examples of the above categories are:

CODE 3 Outlet refused service to person/offer refused

Due to inappropriate behaviour or person failed to present and did not contact the agency.

CODE 4 Person or service provider unable to attend

For example, unscheduled staff absence or unscheduled events such as bad weather or electricity failure.

CODE 5 Assistance currently not available

The place, service or resource is not currently available or a waiting period applies.

CODE 6 Facilities for special needs not available/service inaccessible

Facilities for special needs such as disability, cultural, language etc, not available; no disabled access to building; too far away; service not provided in days or hours required.


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