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A code set representing residential settings.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Private setting
2 Community based setting
3 Institutional setting
4 None/homeless/public place
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

To meet program or service specific needs, the categories used in individual data collections may be more detailed than those in the settings classification of the NCCS V2, but they should always be mappable to categories in the NCCS V2. Categories used in individual community services data collections such as the Home and Community Care (HACC), Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement (CSTDA) and the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) have been mapped to the settings classification in the National Classifications of Community Services.

CODE 1 Private setting

A largely self contained dwelling intended for occupation by one or more usual residents, or movable, makeshift or improvised dwelling occupied by one or more usual residents, regardless of whether the dwelling is owned, being purchased or being rented privately, publicly or through a community organisation. This includes, owner/purchaser/renter occupied dwellings and Unsupported independent living facilities.

For example houses, flats, units, hotels/motels, caravan, craft in a marina, a houseboat, independent living in a retirement village (where no support services are provided as a package with the accommodation) and makeshift and improvised dwellings (such as humpies).

CODE 2 Community based setting

This type of setting includes:

Short-term crisis or emergency accommodation facility, Supported independent residential facility, Transitional accommodation facility, Supported accommodation facility (where support is provided together with the accommodation as a package) and Supported independent living.

The distinguishing features of a community based setting as opposed to private:

  • An adult accommodated in a community setting has less control or choice, over when, where and how, they undertake basic personal activities than in a private setting (e.g. shared or scheduled meals, communal laundry, etc.).
  • In community based settings some form of service by paid staff is generally provided in association with occupancy of a dwelling.
  • The person has more choice or control over such activities in a community based setting than in an institutional setting.
  • Persons living in community settings are generally housed in domestic scale sized dwellings.
  • Located within the general community, in areas where other people live privately.

CODE 3 Institutional setting

This category includes:

Hospital (including psychiatric), Special purpose residential facility (including those that provide 'out of home' placements for children who cannot live with their families), Community care unit and Custodial settings, (prisons, remand centres, corrective institutions for children/youth). It also includes larger institutions for people with disability, larger institutional supported accommodation facilities, convents and monasteries, boarding schools and residential colleges.

The distinguishing features of an institutional setting (as opposed to community):

  • Existence of a regulatory or licensing body.
  • Accommodation units are usually not self contained.
  • Adult residents have little or no control over when, where and how they undertake basic personal activities (e.g. shared or scheduled meals, communal laundry, etc.).
  • They are generally situated out of the general community (e.g. gaols, hospitals).
  • They are often of a larger scale than community settings.

Should difficulties arise concerning the categorisation of a setting, refer to the features listed below for guidance:

  • Level of choice/control
  • Scale/size
  • Location within/outside of general community
  • Existence of a regulatory or licensing body
  • Paid staff.

CODE 4 None/homeless/public place includes non dwelling living rough and informal housing

CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described

This code is not for use on primary collection forms. It is primarily for use in administrative collections when transferring data from data sets where the item has not been collected.


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