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A code set representing the source of referral to a community service agency.


Data Type Number
Format N[.N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Agency
1.1 Health agency
1.2 Community services agency
1.3 Educational agency
1.4 Legal agency
1.5 Employment/ job placement agency
1.6 Other agency
2 Non-agency
2.1 Self
2.2 Family
2.3 Friends
2.4 General Medical Practitioner
2.5 Other party
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

Individual data collections use specific categories relevant to their particular information needs. These categories should be mappable to the above generic domain at the 1-digit or 2-digit level.

The separation of agency from non-agency for source of referral is a significant distinction. For instance, it is important to differentiate between a referral from a private practising general medical practitioner and a referral from a health agency, such as a health clinic in a hospital.


  • Aged care assessment team would map to category 1.1
  • Residential aged care factor to category 1.1
  • Community nursing service to category 1.1
  • School/other education institution to category 1.3
  • General Practitioner to category 2.4
  • Police/legal unit to category 1.4 etc.


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Relation Count
Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 0