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This table shows items related to the item Health service event.
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Showing 14 results.
Name Details Statuses
Health service event—fasting indicator, code N
Data Element
Whether the patient was fasting at the time of an examination, test, investigation or procedure, as represented by a code.
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—fasting status, code N
Data Element
Description import failed!
  • Health: Superseded on
Health service event—first service contact date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
The date on which first contact is made between a health care provider and one or more persons for assessment,...
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—presentation date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
The date on which the patient/client presents for the delivery of a service.
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—presentation time, hhmm
Data Element
The time at which the patient presents for the delivery of a service.
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—prisoner location, code N
Data Element
The physical location of a prisoner when they utilised a health service, as represented by a code.
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—prisoner location when service provider was needed, but not utilised, prisoner location code N
Data Element
The location of a prisoner when they needed to engage with a service provider for their health, but did not,...
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—prison health clinic visit initiator, code N
Data Element
The party responsible for initiating the prisoner's visit to the prison health clinic, as represented by a code.
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—referral to ophthalmologist status (last 12 months), code N
Data Element
Whether the individual was referred to an ophthalmologist within the last 12 months.
  • Health: Superseded on
Health service event—referral to rehabilitation service date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
The date on which a person is referred to a rehabilitation service.
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—service commencement date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
Description import failed!
  • Health: Superseded on
Health service event—service commencement time, hhmm
Data Element
The time at which the delivery of a service commences.
  • Health: Superseded on
Health service event—service request received date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
The date on which a request for assessment, care, consultation and/or treatment is received by the health care provider, expressed...
  • Health: Standard on
Health service event—type of service provider consulted, occupation code (ANZSCO 1st edition) N[NNN]{NN}
Data Element
The type of service provider consulted during a health clinic visit, as represented by a code.
  • Health: Standard on