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Global Surveillance for human infection with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patient information collection.

Data source details

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
patinfo_ID Patient: Identifier, N(16)

A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies a person for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care.

Number N(16)
patinfo_ageonset Patient: Age, Total years NNN

The age of a person in completed years for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care.

Number XXX
patinfo_ageonset Patient: Age, Total Months NN

The age of a person under 1 year old measured in months for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care.

Specific Information:

To be populated if the person is less than 1 year old.

Number NN
patinfo_ageonset Patient: Age, Total Days NNN

The age of a person less than 1 month old measured in days for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care.

Specific Information:

To be populated if the person is less than 1 month old.

Number NNN
patinfo_sex Patient: Sex, Code N

A code that represents the biological distinction between male and female of a person for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care.

Number N
patinfo_idadmin0 Patient: Country of COVID-19 Diagnosis, Name X(100)

The name of the country in which a COVID-19 diagnosis was made for a person for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care.

String X(100)
patinfo_idadmin1 Patient: Province of COVID-19 Diagnosis, Text X(250)

The province in which a COVID-19 diagnosis was made for a person for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and or care

String X(250)
patinfo_resadmin0 Patient: Country of Origin, Name X(100)

The name of the country represents a patient's country of habitual residence.

String X(100)
patinfo_occuhcw Patient: Health Care Worker, Yes/no/unknown code N

A code that represents whether the patient is a health care worker, the type of role undertaken by a person in the course of their employment to protect and improve the health of their communities.

Number N
patinfo_occuhcw_country Patient: Country of Employment in Registered Profession, Name X(100)

The name of the country in which a patient is working in the registered profession.

String X(100)
patinfo_occuhcw_city Patient: City of Employment, Text X(250)

The city in which a patient is working in the registered profession.

Specific Information:

To be completed if the patient has identified as being a Health Care Worker.

String X(250)
patinfo_occuhcw_name Patient: Name of Employing Facility, Text X(250)

The words by which an employer of a patient is known.

String X(250)

Relations and Links

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Relation Role Metadata item Actions
Data Transformation Destination WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-2019) Situation Report Daily Surveillance Data