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Dwellings owned by private individuals or private corporations that are leased to Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement (CSHA) housing providers via head-leasing arrangements. The CSHA housing provider is usually responsible for tenant selection and tenancy management functions.



Head-leasing involves at least two leases: one between the dwelling owner and the lessee, and one between the provider and the tenant. The Residential Tenancies Act applies to both leases.


Department of Housing - Policy EST0012A: Headleasing

CSHA Community housing data collection manual 2001-02


Head-leasing is commonly undertaken in the community housing sector, where non-Government organisations head-lease housing stock from the private sector and state and territory Governments, and sublease it directly to the tenants. It is important to identify those dwellings that are head-leased from the private sector, as maintenance and other management costs are generally incurred by the owner, and therefore may not be captured in the annual CSHA data collections.


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