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This table shows items related to the item Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N.
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Showing 3 results.
Name Details Statuses
National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of people who received surgery for malignant cancer within 45 days, 2011-12
The percentage of hospital separations involving urgent or semi-urgent surgery for malignant bowel, breast or lung cancer for people who: were...
  • Unregistered
National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of people who received surgery for malignant cancer within 30 days, 2012-13
The percentage of hospital separations involving urgent or semi-urgent surgery for malignant bowel, breast or lung cancer for people who: were...
  • Unregistered
National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of people who received surgery for malignant cancer within 30 days, 2011-12
The percentage of hospital separations involving urgent or semi-urgent surgery for malignant bowel, breast or lung cancer for people who: were...
  • Unregistered