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The category of visa (or travel authority) granted by Australia for foreign nationals (excluding New Zealand citizens) who are registered as health professionals in Australia, to travel to, enter and remain in Australia, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

A visa (or travel authority) is permission or authority granted by Australia for foreign nationals to travel to, enter and remain in Australia. Immigration law requires all travellers who are not Australian citizens to obtain authority, in the form of a visa or travel authority, to travel to, and stay in Australia.

A temporary visa is the permission or authority granted by the Australian government for foreign nationals to travel to and enter Australia, and stay up to a specified period of time.

A permanent visa is the permission or authority granted by the Australian government for foreign nationals to live in Australia permanently.

All applicants must meet the English language requirements based on their nominated occupation.

Further information regarding visas can be obtained from the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship or visit their website


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