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A code set representing support services that may be needed by a SAAP client.


Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Housing/accommodation
43 SAAP/CAP accommodation (including THMs and other SAAP managed properties)
39 Assistance to obtain/maintain short-term accommodation
49 Assistance to obtain/maintain medium-term accommodation
42 Assistance to obtain/maintain independent housing
37 Assistance to obtain/maintain government allowance
5 Employment and training assistance
6 Financial assistance/material aid
7 Financial counselling and support
Personal support
45 Incest/sexual assault support
46 Domestic/family violence support
47 Family/relationship support
48 Emotional support
36 Assistance with problem gambling
General support/advocacy
14 Living skills/personal development
25 Assistance with legal issues/court support
27 Advice/information
29 Retrieval/storage/removal of personal belongings
30 Advocacy/liaison on behalf of client
Specialist services
12 Psychological services
44 Specialist counselling services
13 Psychiatric services
33 Pregnancy support
34 Family planning support
16 Drug/alcohol support or intervention
17 Physical disability services
18 Intellectual disability services
19 Culturally specific services
20 Interpreter services
38 Assistance with immigration services
26 Health/medical services
Basic support
21 Meals
22 Laundry/shower facilities
23 Recreation
24 Transport
88 Other
43 SAAP/CAP accommodation (including THMs and other SAAP managed properties)
39 Assistance to obtain/maintain short-term accommodation
49 Assistance to obtain/maintain medium-term accommodation
42 Assistance to obtain/maintain independent housing
37 Assistance to obtain/maintain government allowance
5 Employment and training assistance
6 Financial assistance/material aid
7 Financial counselling and support
Personal support
45 Incest/sexual assault support
46 Domestic/family violence support
47 Family/relationship support
48 Emotional support
36 Assistance with problem gambling
General support/advocacy
14 Living skills/personal development
25 Assistance with legal issues/court support
27 Advice/information
29 Retrieval/storage/removal of personal belongings
30 Advocacy/liaison on behalf of client
Specialist services
12 Psychological services
44 Specialist counselling services
13 Psychiatric services
33 Pregnancy support
34 Family planning support
16 Drug/alcohol support or intervention
17 Physical disability services
18 Intellectual disability services
19 Culturally specific services
20 Interpreter services
38 Assistance with immigration services
26 Health/medical services
Basic support
21 Meals
22 Laundry/shower facilities
23 Recreation
24 Transport
88 Other


Guide for use:

For a mapping of this value domain to the national standard for service activity provided follow these links: 'Service activity type needed and provided for SAAP client code mapping from NCCS to SAAP', and 'Service activity type referral made for SAAP client code mapping from NCCS to SAAP'.

CODE 5 Employment and training assistance

This option refers to assistance to obtain a job and/or access to employment and training programs.

CODE 6 Financial assistance/material aid

This option refers to money given to the client for bond/rent/transport, etc. and other non-monetary assistance such as clothing, food vouchers and bus/train tickets. This assistance is not expected to be repaid.

CODE 7 Financial counselling and support

This option refers to one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, focused around financial management issues.

CODE 12 Psychological services

This option refers to support or assistance from a qualified psychologist.

CODE 13 Psychiatric services

This option refers to support or assistance from a qualified psychiatrist.

CODE 14 Living skills/personal development

This option refers to help given to enhance clients’ independence or self-esteem. This help is more than normal everyday contact with the client and includes assistance to develop cooking skills, literacy skills, and personal care.

CODE 16 Drug/alcohol support or intervention

This option refers to support and assistance specifically to address problems related to the client’s problematic drug, alcohol or substance use.

CODE 17 Physical disability services

This option refers to support and assistance specifically for the client’s physical disability.

CODE 18 Intellectual disability services

This option refers to support and assistance specifically for the client’s intellectual disability.

CODE 19 Culturally specific services

This option refers to support and assistance delivered in a way that is sensitive to the client’s ethnic or cultural background.

CODE 20 Interpreter services

This option refers to assistance to facilitate communication with clients from non-English speaking backgrounds, or clients who are hearing impaired.

CODE 21 Meals

This option refers to the actual provision of food. Money or vouchers to purchase food should be included under Financial assistance/material aid.

CODE 22 Laundry/shower facilities

This option refers to the use of such facilities that are managed by the SAAP agency.

CODE 23 Recreation

This option refers to the provision and coordination of leisure activities for clients.

CODE 24 Transport

This option includes driving a client to an appointment or location. Money for a tram, train or bus should be included under Financial assistance/material aid.

CODE 25 Assistance with legal issues/court support

This option refers to information and advice about legal issues (such as tenancy or family law matters), and attending or assisting with court hearings.

CODE 26 Health/medical services

This option includes assessment of the client’s health and medical needs and any treatment provided.

CODE 27 Advice/information

This option refers to advice or information given to the client relating to their needs as identified by the worker. It can include information about other services where it is left to the client to follow up the information. For example, this would be selected if the client is given the names of three counselling services and it was left up to the client to contact those services.

CODE 29 Retrieval/storage/removal of personal belongings

This option involves the use of workers’ time to assist with clients’ personal effects.

CODE 30 Advocacy/liaison on behalf of client

This option involves work undertaken on behalf of a client to ensure the client has proper representation and access to services. This includes liaison with police, schools, probation officers, etc.

CODE 33 Pregnancy support

This option refers to advice, support and assistance relating to pregnancy issues.

CODE 34 Family planning support

This option refers to advice, support and assistance relating to family planning issues.

CODE 36 Assistance with problem gambling

This option refers to support or assistance provided to clients who have a gambling addiction/habit/problem and need to develop skills to cope with the problem on a day to day basis.

CODE 37 Assistance to obtain/maintain goverment allowance

This option refers to help or support aimed at obtaining social security income, such as completing Centrelink applications or accompanying a client to an interview with a Centrelink officer.

CODE 38 Assistance with immigration services

This option refers to support or assistance provided to clients who need help liaising with government departments regarding immigration issues.

CODE 39 Assistance to obtain/maintain short-term accommodation

This option refers to help or support aimed at finding SAAP or other emergency housing, or other accommodation that is not expected to be ongoing or long-term such as short-term accommodation with friends. Typically this would be less than 3 months in duration.

CODE 42 Assistance to obtain/maintain independent housing

This option refers to help or support aimed at finding long-term, independent housing such as public housing, private rental accommodation, community housing, or owner-occupied housing.

CODE 43 SAAP/CAP accommodation (including THMs and other SAAP managed properties)

This option refers to supported accommodation that is owned or directly managed and maintained by the agency, or that has been paid for by the agency using SAAP funds. This does not include financial assistance for rent or other housing costs.

CODE 44 Specialist counselling services

This option refers to counselling provided, usually on more than one occasion, by a qualified counsellor. Financial counselling is not included here (see Financial counselling and support).

CODE 45 Incest/sexual assault support

This option refers to one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, dealing with incest or sexual abuse.

CODE 46 Domestic/family violence support

This option refers to one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, focused around violence inflicted on the client by a family member.

CODE 47 Family/relationship support

This option refers to discussion sessions or support dealing with family and relationship problems or issues.

CODE 48 Emotional support

This option involves talking and listening to clients in an informal environment and/or one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, focused around issues not specified elsewhere in this list.

CODE 49 Assistance to obtain/maintain medium-term accommodation

This option refers to help or support aimed at finding SAAP or other medium-term housing that is not expected to be long-term. Typically this would be longer than 3 months in duration.

CODE 88 Other

This option allows any other assistance not listed above to be recorded. The support needed/provided/referred should be written if this option is chosen.


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