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The total number of accrued mental health care days provided by admitted patient care services and residential mental health care services within the reference period (from 1 July to 30 June inclusive).


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

The days to be counted are only those days occurring within the reference period, i.e. from 1 July to the following 30 June for the relevant period, even if the patient/resident was admitted prior to the reference period or discharged after the reference period.

A day is measured from midnight to 2359 hours.

The following basic rules are used to calculate the number of accrued mental health care days:

  • Admission and discharge on the same day is equal to one mental health care day.
  • For a patient/resident admitted and discharged on different days all days are counted as mental health care days, except the day of discharge and any leave days.
  • If the patient/resident remains in hospital or residential care facility from midnight to 2359 hours count as a mental health care day.
  • The day a patient/resident goes on leave is not counted as a mental health care day, unless this was also the admission day.
  • The day the patient/resident returns from leave is counted as a mental health care day, unless the patient/resident goes on leave again on the same day of return or is discharged.
  • Leave days involving an overnight absence are not counted as mental health care days.
  • If a patient/resident goes on leave the day they are admitted and does not return from leave until the day they are discharged, count as one mental health care day.
  • If the patient/resident remains in a hospital or residential care facility from 1 July to 30 June (the whole of the reference period) count as 365 days (or 366 days in a leap year).
  • If the patient/resident remains in a hospital or residential care facility after the end of the reference period (i.e. after 30 June) do not count any days after the end of the reference period.

The following additional rules cover special circumstances and in such cases, override the basic rules:

When calculating accrued mental health care days for the reference period:

  • Count the mental health care days of those patients/residents separated during the reference period. Exclude any days that may have occurred before the beginning of the reference period.
  • Count the mental health care days of those patients/residents admitted during the reference period who did not separate until the following reference period. Exclude the days after the end of the reference period.
  • For patients/residents admitted before the reference period and who remain in after the reference period (i.e. after 30 June), count the mental health care days within the reference period only. Exclude all days before and after the reference period.

Examples of mental health care day counting for a reference period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005:

Patient/resident A was admitted to hospital on 4 June 2004 and separated on 6 July 2004. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 July. Count would be 5 days as day of discharge is not counted.

Patient/resident B was admitted to hospital on 1 August 2004 and separated on 8 August 2004. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 August. Count would be 7 days as day of discharge is not counted.

Patient/resident C was admitted to hospital on 1 June 2005 and separated on 6 July 2005. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 June. Count would be 30 days as patient/resident was not discharged on 30 June, so every day up to and including 30 June would be counted.

Patient/resident D was admitted to hospital on 1 August 2003 and has remained continuously in hospital to the present time. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 July 2004 and concludes on 30 June 2005. Count would be 365 days as there is no day of discharge.


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