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Accessibility statement for Aristotle.Cloud

The Aristotle Metadata Registry system aims to be as widely accessible as possible and aims to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 to the Double A (AA) standard.

Keyboard navigation

Aristotle uses the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework, which encourages the use of ARIA roles and markup to improve keyboard navigation. All dropdown menus in Aristotle have access keys and can be controlled with arrow keys, to make navigation easier.

Quick Access keys

To improve user experience, access keys are available on different sections of the site throughout the site, some are available on the whole site, while editing or while searching.

Each browser has different ways to activate these keys, but common browsers on Windows use Alt or Alt+Shift while on Apple desktops, browsers commonly use Crtl or Crtl+⌥ Opt. Learn more about how to use access keys on Wikipedia.

Site-wide shortcuts

The following access keys are available on all pages.
Navigates to the accessibility page, and focuses on this legend
Activates the "skip to content" link (screen readers only)
Highlight the quicksearch bar
Open user menu
Open create content menu
Open download menu, only for applicable content

Editing shortcuts

The following access keys are only available for editors when on a page they have permission to edit. Note: Due to technical limitations, these keys will not work if focus is in the rich text editor, tabbing away from the rich text editor will allow these to be used.
Open item editor
Add a row to a list of values
Save - saves the changes in the current form.
Cancel - discard changes for the current form and closes the editor.

Administrator shortcuts

The following access keys are only available for admiinistrators when on a page they have permission to edit.
Jump to the admin page for this item
Apply - in the admin editor, this saves the item and stays on the items admin page
Save - in the admin editor, this saves the item and goes the items page.
Cancel - in the admin editor, this cancels any unsaved changes goes the items page.
The following access keys are only on the search page:
Expand "item type" filters
Expand "state" filters
Expand "registration" filters
Next page of results
Previous page of results