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Collection of daily reports of "Countries, territories or areas with reported laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths" from WHO Situation Reports.

This information is based of daily data made available by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Daily COVID-19 data from the ECDC is based of case definition data made available within WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation report and which comes from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Case-Based Reporting case reports. This data has been supplemented with data from WHO Situation reports to provide both country region and Method of Transmission Classification


  • This data distribution is based on definitions from the World Health Organization. This metadata is recorded here to assist with discovery and interpretation of definitions for research and demonstration purposes only. For official definitions and data, see the References section below.

Data source details

Format type
Media type
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
dateRep Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity: Report Receipt Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The day on which a report notification is received that relates to a record that is required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

region Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Region Identifier, WHO Region Classification Code A(5)

An identifier for a defined geographic or administrative area recorded using the World Health Organization region identifiers where there is a requirement for reporting in accordance with public health legislation.

String A(5)
countriesAndTerritories Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity: Reporting Country, Name X(100)

The name of the country in which diseases or conditions are reported in accordance with public health legislation.

String X(100)
cases Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Number of COVID-19 Daily Cases, Total number N(7)

The number of daily cases recorded with a diagnosis of confirmed COVID-19 that are required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

Number N(7)
cumulativeCases Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Number of COVID-19 Cumulative Cases, Total number N(7)

A count of the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases that are required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

Number N(7)
deaths Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Number of COVID-19 Daily Deaths, Total number N(7)

The number of daily deaths recorded with a diagnosis of COVID-19 that is required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

Number N(7)
cumulativeDeaths Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Number of COVID-19 Deaths, Total number NNN

A count of the total number of confirmed COVID-19 that are required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

Number NNN
casesReportedLast7Days Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Number of COVID-19 Weekly Cases, Total N(7)

A count of the total number of confirmed COVID-19 weekly cases that are required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

Number N(7)
transmissionClassification Contact Exposure COVID-19—Transmission Method, Text X(13)

A description of the method of transmission of the COVID-19 virus within a community or country.

String X(13)
daysSinceLastCase Recordable Notifiable Disease Activity—Number of Days Since Last COVID-19 Case, Total NNN

Cumulative number of days since a reported case of COVID-19 was reported required to be reported in accordance with public health legislation.

Number NNN



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Data Transformation Source Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Case-Based Reporting Patient Information